Welcome toThe Burley Golf Club
At Burley we are passionate about our golf and are keen to encourage others to take part.
We have a modern outlook on our dress code which is there to ensure everyone is smart
and appropriately dressed.
We respectfully ask this is followed by visitors and members.
Failure to do so may result in you being refused permission to play the course.
We accept the kind of golf wear you would see on a televised golf event.
For Gentlemen:
* Golf shirts with a collar, roll-neck or crew neck, with long or short sleeves
* Tailored trousers or shorts (flat external pockets are permitted)
* Short or long socks as appropriate
* No jeans, joggers, cargo trousers or cargo shorts please
For Ladies:
* Tops with a collar, roll-neck or crew neck
* Tailored trousers, shorts or skorts
* No sun tops please.
Both gentlemen and ladies may wear their tops untucked but MUST remain smart.
Golf shoes are preferred but trainers are acceptable.
Football or rugby shirts/shorts or tee shirts are not permitted.
Smart or casual attire is expected to be worn at all times in the clubhouse and smart jeans
are permitted. Hats and golf shoes may only be worn in the clubhouse when accessing the
locker rooms via the side entrance. Please do not use a mobile phone for calls in the
clubhouse (e-mail, apps and text messaging are permitted).
We want to encourage everyone to play golf and recognise that buying all the equipment
and clothing can be expensive. Therefore the dress code is slightly relaxed for the Academy
and Junior Section and includes any casual trousers or shorts (preferably not jeans) with
socks and training shoes.
Our main requirement is that a clean and smart appearance is maintained.